Find out what is newly added, changed, fixed, improved or updated in the latest Sandbox versions.
Documentation is now part of the template under docs
folder and more thorough with code snippets and extended information on file structure, build tools, components, credits, license and FAQ.
File structure is updated and improved.
Blocks to add Navbar, Footer and Hero blocks.
Floating labels with latest Bootstrap floating labels.
Existing contact form validation with Bootstrap validation.
Descriptions for functions in theme.js
Gradient options to text, background, buttons etc.
A new image mask option.
New text highlight options.
A product comparison table example.
- Gulp Unicode plugin is added to fix icon content unicode after sass compiling.
gulp-sass to latest version (which no longer depends on node-sass).
How color css files are being generated.
gulp.js with some minor tweaks in template files.
Text wrap issue on navigation items on desktop view.
Autoplay option to the slider on index15.html.
Scroll animations on Safari not firing immediately.
Everything you need to create your next unique and professional website, including impressive and ready-made blocks and pages.
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